
Thursday 29 May 2014

The last week in May

Here are some of my phone photos from this week. I'm still trying to unpack and organise the house. I also had to finish painting the french door frames, and as you can see, the paint hadn't finished drying before Mr Lui came wandering through. Little paw prints all over my new floor... bad kitty! A little bit of baking soda on a damp cloth took it right off though luckily.

I've started a new crochet project! More on that later, but it's a blanket. Makes me happy to be working on another one. 

I found some cushions and blankets to unpack this week! Made me feel much better to have some handmade goodness on the couch again. Lui approved too and could hardly wait for me to get up one night so he could steal my seat amongst the cushions.

The weather has been changeable - northwesterly storms ahead of southerly storms, red sunrises and frosty mornings, apricot sunsets, stormclouds followed by rainbows. Winter is here though and it's time to get used to frosty mornings again. I wish I knew where I'd packed my winter woollies like my hats and gloves, and my winter duvet and pyjamas! This weekend I'll be having a good dig through the boxes in the garage, here's hoping I find something useful and not just more stuff that needs to be organised away...


  1. Oh, winter is coming to your place Ruth! I think you'll unpack all warm clothes, blanket, and will take a seat and knit something new and nice. love your crochet ---nice combination of colors!

    1. That's right, it's time to snuggle up inside and make things :) My favourite way to spend an evening!

  2. Hope you keep nice and warm. Our frost up here in Northland has nothing on winter in Southland I know :-)! I am finally getting around to starting a new knitting project after sooooooo long, looking forward to it. Crochet is another craft I'd like to do at some stage. Your blanket squares look lovely.

    1. A frost in Northland must be a bit of a shock! We've had frosts of around -3 this week, brrrr! I need to get my blanket to the joining stage so I can snuggle under it while I work.

  3. I'm sorry, but those lil foot prints made me laugh - cats are such cheeky creatures!!. Hope you've found your woollies now - tis blimen chilly!!

    1. No I haven't!! I looked in all the boxes I could find and the gloves were nowhere to be found. I think I'll have to grit my teeth and buy another pair, it's just too cold in the mornings without them!

  4. Oooh, those paw prints reminds me of my own cat, doing exactly the same thing! I didn’t know you could remove paint with baking soda, was that on the cat or on the floor? When my cat did the same, he managed to jump over a tall piece of boarding I had set in front of the stairs so he could not use it – because I had painted the stairs. He was determined to get upstairs no matter what and managed to jump over, and got his paws covered in white, oil based paint! Before I could manage to catch him, he had put paw prints all over my kitchen floor lino. I had to wash his paws and the floor with white spirit since it was oil based paint, but I washed his paws thoroughly afterwards so I think he was OK. Poor cat, but he was well clean after all that :-)

    1. It was the paint on the floor, and it hadn't been there very long so it came off easily. Baking soda is always the first thing I try for stains and cleaning! His paws were ok, most of the paint had come off on the floor! After that I got my heat gun out and dried the paint.
      Glad your cat was ok after the oil paint, that would have been a lot more difficult to clean up!

  5. Glad to hear that you are back in your house and that things are moving along and you will soon be back to normal.
    Have a lovely week!
    Ingrid x
